How Often Should You Get a Chemical Peel?

The frequency of chemical peels depends entirely on the type of chemical peel being performed. For superficial or topcoat peels, you can repeat the treatment up to once a month. In contrast, deep peels require additional healing time for the skin and should only be done once every two to three years. Those who only need or want light peels can generally do them every month. For more intense treatments, such as medium treatments or peels, it is advisable to wait four or six months between appointments.

Those who want to have deep peels should only do so once every few years. For deep and medium peels, you should consult with our team to discuss what you can realistically expect from treatments and what other types of complementary treatments would be appropriate. Your comfort and happiness are our number one mandates. You can usually have a peel once every four to six weeks. Some peels, such as those that target acne, can be done every two weeks until you achieve the desired results.

This last point is key, as it is the health of your skin and the concerns you want addressed that determine the type of exfoliation you need. These factors also determine the frequency of your treatment. Pain relief is usually not needed for a light chemical peel. If you are going to have a medium peel, you may be given a sedative and pain reliever. For a deep exfoliation, you may be given a sedative, something to numb the treatment area and administer fluids through a vein. After a light chemical peel, the treated skin will be red, dry and slightly irritated, although these effects may be less noticeable with each repeated treatment.

The doctor may apply a protective ointment, such as petroleum jelly, to soothe the skin. You can usually wear makeup the next day if you want. Treated areas take between one and seven days to heal after a light chemical peel. New skin may be temporarily lighter or darker than normal. A light chemical peel improves skin texture and tone and diminishes the appearance of fine wrinkles.

The results are subtle, but increase with repeated treatments. If you undergo a medium chemical peel, the treated skin will be noticeably smoother. After a deep chemical peel, you'll see a dramatic improvement in the look and feel of the treated areas. Over time, age and new sun damage can cause new lines and changes in skin color. If you opt for a medium chemical peel, you may want to receive this treatment every three to nine months.

A deep chemical peel is one of those treatments that is only done once. A good chemical peel has the power to completely transform your face, restoring the years you thought you had lost forever and softening sun-damaged skin. There are ways you can keep the excellent results of your chemical peel looking fresh between treatments. However, those that address more serious skin problems, such as deep wrinkles or scars, are deep chemical peels. A chemical peel is a classic treatment that can improve signs of aging, correct skin tone and texture, and help you look younger. The words chemistry and skin are enough to induce fear, and when they come together they sound much more ominous. If done incorrectly, a chemical peel can cause complications such as infection and permanent scarring.

Like many treatments, you may need to receive regular chemical peels to achieve and maintain optimal results. Those that focus on surface problems such as uneven skin tone and acne scars are considered chemical peels. While many chemical peels can treat superficial skin problems, some address problems that begin in the deeper layers of the skin. A chemical peel is an excellent solution for people who have a variety of skin problems ranging from hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and fine lines, and uneven skin texture. Because everyone is different, you may experience different benefits from your chemical peel as well as these very common ones: improved skin texture; reduced wrinkles; improved tone; reduced age spots; improved acne scars; reduced sun damage; improved overall complexion; reduced pore size; improved hydration; reduced redness; improved elasticity; reduced discoloration; improved collagen production; reduced inflammation. The purpose of a chemical peel is to induce a controlled wound and to remove the surface layers of the skin. The chemical peel you select as well as the desired results will determine how often you should receive this treatment.

Rachelle Leonardi
Rachelle Leonardi

Certified coffee scholar. Award-winning beer advocate. Proud bacon guru. Award-winning web lover. Incurable coffee scholar. Food buff.

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