Chemical peels are a popular cosmetic treatment that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dullness, hyperpigmentation, and scarring. It can also help with skin disorders such as acne and rosacea. This procedure involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, causing it to blister and eventually peel off. The new skin that grows back is softer and less wrinkled than the old skin.
At Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology of Cherry Creek in Denver, CO, we offer this incredible skin care treatment that shows long-lasting and promising results. Wondering how it works? Let's take a closer look at chemical peels and how they can help you achieve a smoother, more youthful complexion. A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment that removes the top layer of skin. This can help minimize wrinkles, dullness, hyperpigmentation, and scarring. It can also help skin disorders such as acne and rosacea.
A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to soften skin texture by removing damaged outer layers. During this procedure, chemical solutions will be applied to the area being treated, causing the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. Depending on the type of peel used, you may need to undergo the procedure more than once to get the desired results. A light or medium peel may require multiple treatments. However, chemical peels can have more serious risks and dangerous side effects that can be permanent. Medium- and deep-depth exfoliation can cause swelling, as well as blisters that can break, crust, turn brown, and peel off over a period of seven to 14 days.
You'll need to avoid the sun for several months after a chemical peel, as your new skin will be fragile. For this reason, it is essential to visit a dermatologist who has experience in chemical peels and colored skin. People with skin types 1, 2, or 3 have a lower risk that a chemical peel will change skin color or cause scarring. Some skin types are more likely to develop a temporary or permanent skin color change after a chemical peel. A dermatologist will recommend the most appropriate chemical peel based on the person's concerns and skin type. This is especially important for people of color, whose skin may be more prone to the side effects of chemical peels.
If done incorrectly, a chemical peel can cause complications such as infection and permanent scarring. Chemical peels are an effective way to reduce signs of aging on the face. They can help diminish wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone, sun damage, acne scars, and other blemishes. With proper care and maintenance after your treatment session, you can enjoy beautiful results for years to come.